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CHROMA FID分析仪 CHROMA FID分析仪由美盛科技中国有限公司供应 这是一台采用离子火焰检测技术的挥发性有机化合物气象色谱分析仪。
CHROMA FID分析仪由美盛科技中国有限公司供应

CHROMA FID分析仪由美盛科技中国有限公司供应

The CHROMAFID is an isothermal industrial gas chromatograph dedicated to the analysis of volatile organic compounds in air (indoor, outdoor), industrial hygiene, pure gas like N2/CO2/O2.

As a fully automatic instrument, the CHROMAFID allows un-attended operation the commissioning 24/24.

The injection is made via a heated valve. The separation is achieved using a macro bore (0,53 mm) or a capillary column (0,2 mm), according to the application An electrical valve regulates carrier gas (hydrogen). The retention time drift is less than 0,3 %. The instrument has a flame ionization detector (FID) heated to 150°C. the detection limit of the CHROMAFID  is > 20 ppb.

The CHROMAFID is equipped with an internal microprocessor which runs all of the analytical events (temperature, pressure, injection, detection and concentration calculations).

The VistaCHROM software enables the user to visualize and store data on a PC. Furthermore it provides comfortable utilities to recalculate, calibrate and export data and to set-up measurement.
The airmoTREND software allows the calculation of retention time, area, mass or concentration profiles.
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CHROMA FID分析仪 download

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